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About 1/3 of women worldwide experience physical or sexual violence. Now there is a heightened risk of violence at home with COVID-19 isolation measures. Pandemic-related stressors can lead to increased family violence, such as job losses and reduced income, food insecurity, exacerbated mental health issues, as well as disrupted routines and services that families rely on.


By purchasing this gift, you are supporting Bolivia Kids and The Canadian Women’s Foundation to continue our ongoing work in violence prevention across Canada and in La Paz, Bolivia through education, training, poverty alleviation and girl’s empowerment programs.


Additionally, you’re supporting our increased efforts to address the gendered impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. With your help, we’re providing communities with emergency aid (e.g. food, safety supplies), digitized support services where possible, and safety and support for those needing to flee violence.

SUPPORT - Preventing Violence Against Women

  • For each of our Charity Gifts we will send you a downloadable certificate that you can keep yourself or give as a gift. So, as well as putting a smile on the face of your loved one, you can be happy in the knowledge that your gift will keep on giving to those most in need. 

    *Please get in touch with for a tax receipt for any donation above $50.

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